Thursday, December 4, 2008

Doggie makeover...

Sorry Mommy & I have been out Christmas shopping and getting Christmas decorations out and haven't had any recent blogs!! One of my favorite birthday gifts came in handy today when I was giving Solo a touch-up (and then Mommy got one too unexpectedly)!! So now that Solo has his hair all done-up what color do you think would look best on his nails?? Christmas red?? hee hee just kidding Dada...for now anyway. ;)

1 comment:

jan said...

Good doggie, Solo. That deserves a treat! Shaelyn, you are sooo sweet (and such a talented dog-groomer!)Next you can brush Solo's teeth (run Solo, run!)Then there's always Pedipaws--you won't need any new toys for a while (but you may have trouble locating your doggies!) Luv--Gr8 Aunt JJ