Friday, October 16, 2009

Blake's Cider Mill

On the move

Checking out the ponies from afar

Baby lamb staying close to his mama

Goat coming in for some grub and smooches!!

Mommy decided to be brave today and take Brendan and I to the Cider Mill by herself!! We saw ponies, baby goats, baby lambs and all sorts of little kids out on field trips. It is like an amusement park for kids...I had a ball. Brendan was cashed out the whole time and boy did he miss out on some fun. :)


jan said...

Looks like fun! Luv yer shades and pink hat. Did you end up liking the pony, or will that come later? We girls all go thru a "pony" phase sooner or later!--Gr8 Aunt JJ

Shaelyn said...

Not quite pony ride material just yet...I'll practice on my stuffed pony a little while longer. :)