Monday, May 26, 2008

Uncle Timmy's Birthday Bash...

Happy Memorial Day!! What a gorgeous day we were blessed with today...good weather, good food and good HOCKEY!! We got together to celebrate Uncle Timmy's birthday today and he was teaching Shaelyn the cool hand shake??!! I think she might have been more interested in his birthday cake cookie...I don't know you decide!!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Happy Birthday Uncle Timmy!!

Have fun at the Tigers game today Uncle Timmy. Hope they do as well today as they did yesterday!! You got a beautiful day for the game...Mother Nature is smiling down at you. She's not the only one smiling at you today...

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Thank you for the hospitality Uncle Ron & Aunt Karen!! We had so much fun in P.A. and are so happy that "yunz" got the chance to meet our little angel. Hope to see all of you soon!! Here are a few video clips to remember our trip.

J.J. do you still have the sway going on (the rock-a-baby-sway)?? :)

Faithful blogger...the J.J. montage...

Great Aunt J.J. we look forward to reading your comments every day so this blog is for YOU! Can't you just smell baby all over again when you relive these moments??

Monday, May 19, 2008

Baby Whisperers...

Great Aunt J.J. and Great Aunt Karen aka the Baby Whisperers haven't lost their touch with babies. Thank you for giving my arms a much needed break. You are invited to Michigan anytime...especially in August when our joy will be multiplied with the arrival of "Baby Timmyann". :)

Shae & Aunt J.J.

Shae & Aunt Karen

G.G. and Shaelyn...

How could Shaelyn resist her G.G.?? She was totally taken with her great grandma and has been excitedly babbling about meeting her ever since we got home!! Here are a few of my fave pics from day one of our trip.

The infamous sweater...

The sweater that Pap is wearing in these pics has now been through 2 generations!! My brother and I (and our cousins too) all have pics with Pap wearing this sweater and now my daughter has a pic with Pap and his sweater. Priceless.

First Trip to Pittsburgh!!

Tuesday, May 13th, 2008, day one of our Pittsburgh extravaganza!! Shaelyn finally got to meet the G.G.'s and the Pittsburgh gang. She was very good on the trip out to P.A. and slept for a lot of the trip. So when we got there she was raring to go!!

The introduction to the G.G.'s...

Inside G.G.'s

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Happy Mother's Day to me...

Shae decided to sing me the mama song for Mother's Day and threw in a little somersault for some extra entertainment value so I thought I'd share it with all of you!! Happy Mother's Day in advance to all of the moms (hardest job on earth but worth every minute of it!!) and MOMS TO BE!! :)

Sorry we have been MIA this week but mommy had a pretty busy work week. We are preparing for our trip to Pittsburgh next week to visit the G.G.s for the very 1st time!! Shae is so excited it is all she can talk about. ;) I'm sure we'll have lots of video footage and pics to share from our road trip when we return.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Cousin Chase's 1st T-ball game

Chase is a little Louisville Slugger!! Check out the video that Uncle Ed (aka Shaelyn's daddy) captured at the game this morning. Good job Chase...we're so proud of you!!

Chase up to bat...

Chase tags home base...