Monday, August 25, 2008

Uncle Timmy & Colin...

Of course we took some pics of Uncle Timmy & Colin too!! We have to get him used to the paparazzi early. :)

McCaffrey Family at home...

The McCaffrey family is settling in at home and have had a revolving door of visitors...including us! Shae was checking everything out and she made a new friend that she carried on a little toddler-ese conversation wasn't Colin and it wasn't the kitty, was someone who bears a strong resemblance to Shaelyn. I caught some pics cuz it made me laugh.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Grins & giggles

Shaelyn is showing more and more of her developing personality. She has always had a very pleasant disposition but she is now totally cracking up at the most random of which is watching Solo sit outside the front door waiting to come in the house. She was rolling the other day and I had to be sneaky about catching footage since she stops when she realizes that the camera is out so that is why the first bit starts off so far away. There is nothing sweeter than the sound of babies/toddlers is the purest form of joy.

Isn't technology grand??

I was just thinking how awesome it is that we can be in Michigan celebrating and pictures can make it to Pennsylvania via the internet and instantaneously be circulating so that you can join in the festivities. Truly amazing. Tim forwarded a couple really nice shots for me today and poof here they come!! :)

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Shae checks out Colin from afar...

Shaelyn wore blue today to give props to her newest COUSIN! She also decided to say her first words (with meaning) to her cousin to show him what a big girl she is becoming. Aunt Kellyann waved goodbye to Shae as we were heading out and Shae waved to Aunt Kellyann and Colin and said "Bu BYE" while she waved. She repeated it on the way out to several employees that were walking by in the courtyard. Pretty exciting stuff...quite a big day!!

Looking forward to your blogging Uncle Timmy once you get into your new routine as DADDY!! I am sure that you will blow us all away with your artistic flair. Love you - Shae

B.G. and Colin

What a gorgeous day that little Colin decided to come into the world. It is sunny and warm with a slight breeze and all is right with the world today...especially for the Nagorsen and McCaffrey families. Here are a few pics of B.G. having a little special time with her first grandson!

Happy Birthday Colin Michael McCaffrey!!

The long awaited arrival has finally joined the family today. Colin Michael was born at 3:21 a.m. today weighing in at 7 lb 4 oz and 21 inches long. Mom and baby are doing well and Shae is anxious to go meet her newest cousin!! Here are a few of the early pics sorry I didn't want to bombard him with flashes so the close-up is a little dark (minus the flash). :)

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Penguin rules

I don't think daddy has to worry anymore about whether Shae likes the penguin he bought her as you can see by the video clip. ;)

Saturday, August 9, 2008


It has been awhile since we've had a photo shoot and we got some new outfits from "Auntie" Judy so my little cover girl struck a pose or two for me. Actually she was all over the place so I just crawled after her snapping pictures as we went. It is a challenge getting her to sit still nowadays...we are constantly on the go. Thank God for naptime. ;)

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

My little lady...

We were having a little lunch the other day and she was saying mama so sweetly that I thought I have to capture the moment....and then she gave me quite a surprise. Her expression afterwards is priceless. I think you know what is coming.