Friday, June 27, 2008

Just sittin' around...

...playing on the floor with my toys when mommy does a sneak attack with the camera!! Never fails...must be cuz I'm doing something exciting like sitting up all by myself or something??!!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Fun with da da...

Shaelyn is really great at following directions...check out the little video clip of her & daddy.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Making friends...

Shaelyn finally got a chance to hang out with someone her own age for a change...well close enough. Isabelle is 1 month older than Shaelyn and was showing her the ropes. Aren't they cute together?

Monday, June 23, 2008

On the move...

Times are getting more and more exciting by the day. Shaelyn is on the go now and hence the blogging is getting more and more infrequent. Here's a short video clip of her latest adventure. Thanks for the singing flower Mimi! Daddy loves it. ha ha

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Happy Birthday Mimi & Uncle John

I'm so glad that I got to celebrate your birthday with you! Daddy took a picture of me with my cousin Chase that is super cute so I had to share it with you. Love-Shaelyn :)

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

Hope all the men in our lives enjoyed a pleasant Father's Day. I think my hubby had fun breaking in his new toy on Father's Day. :)

Here's our little wiggle worm with a drum solo salute to fathers...LOVE the extreme close-up at the end!

Friday, June 13, 2008

The Grand Finale...Shower Extravaganza

The following clips are some of the phrases that Kellyann used while opening up the gifts. Kellyann's brother TJ said that these same phrases will be heard in the delivery room when the new addition arrives!! Now you understand why there is so much laughter going on...hee hee hee

Shower Chronicles Part Deux...

Here is a little clip of Kellyann opening the handmade blankie that G.G. made. As you can hear all the ladies loved it! :)

Baby "Timmyann's" shower...part one

What a gorgeous day for a shower!! Food, fun & family!! Good times. We missed all of the Pittsburghers...hopefully we'll see yunz when little "Timmyann" arrives!! Here is the first installment of THE SHOWER CHRONICLES so it will feel like you were there. :)

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Chocolatey goodness...

A week has flown by without a post...where did the time go? She is really getting a handle on the crawling thing...or at least a reasonable facsimile. :)

Could she not be the cutest little M&M?

I dressed her in this same M&M outfit when she was just only 4 days old!! The hat won't even fit her head now!!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Stanley comes home...

Red Wings won the Stanley Cup last night...too bad they weren't in Detroit for the final game. Sorry Pens was a great series. There will be lots of celebrations going on in the Motor City on Friday at the parade. Did Uncle Timmy get the morning off work to dance in the streets?? LICK...BUMP...SIZZLE...Uncle Timmy

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Latest and greatest...

Last week we had our 6 month Dr appt and only 3 shots this time around! She did good for the first shot in her little chunky monkey thigh and then the second one hit and the bawling commenced. She now weighs in at 15 lb 12 oz and measures 27 1/2 inches long!! She is growing so fast!

She is gearing up to start crawling...and here comes the grey hairs for mommy & daddy!! I caught a few little video clips of her little butt in the air preparing for take off. Check it out...