Sunday, March 30, 2008

1st Pylons Game

This past Friday, March28th, the Pylons were victorious in the championship game and our little Shaelyn was there to see all the action. It was an intense game and was won in overtime. Dean had a hat trick, Trevor snagged a goal as did "Uncle" Ryan Nagorsen. We only got one pic but will hopefully be updating this post with more pics from the other hockey "groupies". :)

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

4 month check-up

The Dr said today what a laid back baby Shae is and I said just wait till she gets her shots!! It is pretty exhausting as you can see by the pic. She is now 26 1/4 inches long and 14 lb 5 oz. She is "off the charts" for her length so apparently they are predicting she'll be a tall girl. That's my girl! :)

Baby McCaffrey

Aunt Kellyann & Uncle Timmy went for their ultrasound appointment yesterday and all is well. "Peanut" has really grown fast! Halfway there...anybody want to wager a guess as to the sex?? :)

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!!

Hope everyone had a nice Easter. We had an especially memorable Easter this year as Ed finished the RCIA program and was welcomed into the Catholic church at the Easter vigil mass Saturday evening. We had a nice little celebration at G&P McCaffrey's house. Unfortunately, my sis-in-law Cherise was unable to attend since she was ill but we all prayed for her at church to feel better soon!! :) I only have a few pics to share since most of the pics were on Mimi's camera.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

And then there was Onyx...the sweetie...

I was doing my usual afternoon photo shoot w/Shae in her most recent new outfit, courtesy of Andrea King, my old college roomie...when Onyx decided he wanted in on the action. Shaelyn was intrigued and at first just stared in awe. Then she reached for him. Finally 3-2-1 CONTACT! He didn't bat an eye at her...took it all in stride.
Here is a little video clip of Shae with a surprise guest star...

The Gentle Giant

Well, it was bound to happen eventually...the dogs and Shaelyn finally have formally introduced themselves. They were both very polite and I think it went extremely well...of course mommy kept a close watch the whole time. Solo looks much larger in comparison to little Shae...I guess I never realized until I snapped this pic of the two of them together. :)

Solo, of course, is always more interested in toys than people...being the ever faithful retriever through and through...I squeaked her butterfly toy and this was his response...sorry this is not my best camera work ever...I apologize in advance. :)

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Well, the last couple weeks Shaelyn has a new little trick that I thought is adorable and has to be documented (it is the med tech in me, right Jill?? everything must be documented!!). She loves to grab her bare feet...especially while trying to change her diaper which definitely makes it more interesting. Here are a few pics of our very flexible little girl. :)

Monday, March 17, 2008

Countdown to the McCousin...

Auntie Kellyann was nice enough to allow me to capture her "baby bump" so that I can share it w/all of you!! I'm sure G.G. will appreciate the pics until she can see us all in person, which is hopefully very soon!! Last Friday, I believe, was 18 weeks so we are nearly at the halfway point to another cousin for Shaelyn! YIPPEEE!!!

Happy St. Patrick's Day aka B.G.'s Birthday!!

We had a St. Patty's Day birthday extravaganza tonight for Grandma McCaffrey aka B.G. I'm not quite sure how she can possibly be 40 again?? The math doesn't seem to add up??!! Oh are a few snapshots of the day. :)

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Daddy Day Care

Ed wants me to believe that Shaelyn puts up a fuss when he is on duty. I don't buy it. I think all they do is play when I am gone. I caught them in action right before I was headed off to work last weekend. Looks like it's all fun and games to me. ;)

Monday, March 10, 2008

Introducing "semi-solid" foods...

Well tonight we ventured into unchartered
territory with our first attempt at rice cereal.
Shaelyn seemed to love it...well the small amount
that actually made it into her mouth anyway.
We christened the "terrible towel"...thanks Uncle
Timmy & Aunt Kellyann. :)
You can tell she was anxiously awaiting the first bite
of cereal as she nibbled on her appetizer...then we
actually got into the good stuff...and finally a little
dessert, aka her hand. :)

Friday, March 7, 2008

First word?

Shaelyn just cracks me up with her babbling. I couldn't believe my ears though when I tried to get her to say hello. She even forms her mouth in the right shape...listen closely and see what you think...

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Crooked smile

Uncle Timmy was so right about the sideways smile. I captured it again in our big photo shoot the other day so I had to post another pic...or two. Sorry I can't help it but I have the best subject matter in MY world. :)

Monday, March 3, 2008

Hockey Girl

Shaelyn is definitely daddy's little girl and already LOVES watching hockey with daddy. She was going bananas when she saw her "Uncle" Patrick score this phenomenal goal against Notre Dame. It even made #4 in the top 10 ESPN reel!!! Check it out...

The Cadillac of Play Stations...

Daddy bought a new little something for his "princess"...what I like to call the Cadillac of Play Stations. She LOVES it!! I was telling Uncle Timmy about it and he said oh cool Play Station and then realized that it is the kiddie version of Play Station. ha ha So here is a little education for the future papa...

The Play Station of Uncle Timmy's past...

that is the far distant past too...not even the newest version PS III!!

The Play Station of Uncle Timmy's future...