Thursday, February 28, 2008

Rollin'...Rollin'...Rollin' on a blankie...almost

Thanks Uncle Timmy for all the sweet compliments!! Blogging is so much fun when there is interaction. I dig it!! Shaelyn is getting really close to rolling exciting!! I captured a few close calls today...check it out.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Daddy's little girl

I tease Ed saying that Shaelyn looks like him when she is making her serious face and her eyebrows get all intense but I've found another time when she does...sleeping!! She puts her little hands behind her head just like daddy it is the cutest thing. I had to, of course, catch a few pics of her. Can you tell we are already prepping for St. Patty's day, thanks to Uncle Timmy and Aunt Kellyann. ;)

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Grins and giggles

My girl & I enjoyed a snowy Michigan day in the best way possible...bundled up cozy inside!! :) I sneak attacked her with the camera & kisses to get some smiles on tape.

She was quite chatty today and I was actually able to catch a little snippet, until she realized the camera was rolling. :)

Friday, February 22, 2008

Or maybe she looks like Uncle Timmy???

Who does she look like (part two)?


Who does she look like?


Blue Jean Queen...

There is nothing like little people clothes to make a baby look all grown up! I love little jeans!! We have great friends that outfitted her in these stylish duds...Brad & Dawn got her the outfit and the shoes were from Maureen & Trent. Good taste! She resembles daddy in this serious pose...check out the eyebrows!! :)

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Pictures for G.G.

G.G. wanted some frilly dress photos so I will not disappoint!! I also snapped a few pics of the dress that G.G. got her for her shower...she loves to play dress up. :)

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Heads up...

Well, here is more footage of Shaelyn developing her little neck muscles. Can you imagine how crazy I am going to be w/the video footage when she can actually crawl and then stand and walk??!! Check out Onyx in the background, even he is excited about her holding her head up. LOL

Crazy mommy is at it again. Entertainment for hours. :)

I think that I might have finally caught a bit of her babbling on video. It is a borderline cry but at least she looks happy!! She is wearing her ever-so-fashionable Guess for babies frilly outfit, courtesy of her good friend L.G. (aka Lily Grace). :)

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Fashion plate

I am probably going to be broke when our little angel is a teenager because we're turning her into quite a fashionista. Auntie Jill just couldn't resist this adorable little valentine dress and I of course couldn't wait to see her in it!! Shaelyn doesn't look too thrilled but I was cutting it a little too close to feeding time. :)

Sunday, February 17, 2008


Shaelyn has really been babbling a lot lately and is full of smiles. Uncle Timmy & Aunt Kellyann were privy to some serious grins & giggles when they stopped in for a visit Friday nite. 6 more months and Shae will have a little cousin to smile about. :)

Friday, February 15, 2008

Shae's adventures

We had some fun with our Valentine's gift, Bernice, yesterday and thought we'd share a little footage. Well, I had fun, I think Shae was a little disinterested until the grand finale. :)

While we were down on the floor we had to sneak in a little tummy time. She takes after daddy see if you can hear it on the video. ;)

She was very chatty today and it never fails when I take the camera out she stops. Oh well, at least in this clip she looks like she is trying to talk...just nothing comes out.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

We are having a great Valentine's Day today. The sun is shining and it gives the illusion that it is actually a warm summer day...too bad it is reflecting off of about 2 feet of snow banks!! We love Michigan. :)

Here are a couple snapshots of our little Valentine...

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

More fun with tummy time

Can life get any better than this? Sitting with my little sweetie on the floor and having some precious tummy time. I should be doing crunches while I'm on the floor but no I'm manning the video recorder on my camera. :)

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Looking back at Shaelyn's first moments caught on film

Auntie Cherise was nice enough to capture Shaelyn's first moments after being born. Mommy looks a little rough but seeing the beautiful baby, Shaelyn Rose, makes it all worthwhile. :)

Friday, February 8, 2008

First Trip to Grandma & Grandpa McCaffrey's

Super bowl Sunday and Shaelyn wanted to visit with Grandma & Grandpa McCaffrey for her first time at their condo. She was a very well mannered guest as you can see from the video clip.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

More fun with Shaelyn...

Here are a few more video clips of our little star...

11 weeks old...weighing in at 11 lb 13 oz and 24 inches long

This is our first attempt at please cut us some slack. Our main goal is to keep family and friends up to date on our baby girl Shaelyn's exciting adventures in this world. Hopefully as time goes on I will become a pro at this bloggin' thing...bear with us in the meantime. Now sit back and enjoy the show. :)

I am now going to attempt to download a little video clip that I shot with our digital camera...